

Let's See
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Why this negativity ji?

I admit having borrowed this blog title from the newest cult classic song that’s taken the world by storm, “Why this Kolaveri Di?” . The writer, publisher and singer of the song felt strongly about what they did and I do too about what I think. Why this negativity ji! We have as a tribe, and this includes all of us, begun to think negatively. We just raise our hackles and criticise,

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Mr Inamdar’s views on Wikipedia’s blackout and SOPA/PIPA laws

Hi, here are my views on Wikipedia’s blackout and SOPA/PIPA laws…

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Understanding India & Indian Muslims

Firstly lets us understand that all Hindus and Muslims in India, to take two major religions in consideration, are not literate. Some are and some are not. Moreover both are not financially well off Hence illiteracy; economic backwardness should be considered as a holistic Indian problem undivided by community.

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Best of the best

All of you have seen milk, but look at it beyond milk. I see it as the student community, a vast looming part of our nation. Like milk, these students need to be cared for. Once they are pasteurized, the creamy layer can be removed, and cooked further to make butter from the cream, this buttery layer can be nurtured.

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